

A lake is a body of water surrounded by land. A lake can contain either fresh or salt water, and can be man-made or naturally occurring.

Lead Plumbing

Lead plumbing is a significant water issue today. Commonly used in plumbing since Ancient Rome, lead poisoning has been a consistent issue through the ages. Sparked by the struggles of Flint, Michigan residents, the nation has been discovering issues with lead plumbing throughout its infrastructure since 2015.


Legionella, a pathogenic bacteria, derived its name and made headlines after sickening 221 persons and causing the deaths of 34 during the summer of 1976. The outbreak was first noticed among people attending the American Legion, an association of U.S military veterans. Because the outbreak effected so many war vets, in Philadelphia, days before the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence it caused great concern in the US. When the bacteria was pinpointed, it was named Legionella. Infection by legionella can cause flu-like symptoms, called Pontiac Fever of pneumonia, called Legionnaire’s Disease.